Welcome To Stockport's Garden & Woodland Birds

(Prunella modularis)
Mainly a ground feeder but can be seen on many feeders and tables around Stockport.

Common Magpie
(Pica pica)
The Eurasian magpie or common magpie (Pica pica) is a resident breeding bird throughout Europe. this is another Reddish Vale Specimen.

Chaffinch Male
(Fringilla coelebs)
The chaffinch, is a common and widespread small passerine bird in the finch family. This male was captured by me at Reddish Vale.

House Sparrow Male
(Passer domesticus)
Despite the decline of these gregarious little birds, there are still many around in Stockport.

House Sparrow Female
(Passer domesticus)
This young female was captured by me in my garden.

(Sitta europaea)
A woodland bird mainly, but is seen on quite a few bird feeders in stockport. Looks like a small woodpecker and can hang upside down on a branch. This one was taken by Steven Kelly at Etherow Country Park.

Eurasian Treecreeper
(Certhia familiaris)
The Eurasian treecreeper or common treecreeper is a small passerine bird also known in the British Isles, where it is the only living member of its genus, simply as treecreeper. thanks to Michael Anthony Brathwaite for this Abney specimen.

Great Spotted Woodpecker Female
(Dendrocopos major)
Quite a few of these colourful birds are seen in the woodlands of stockport and even on garden feeders.They are approx the size of a blackbird. This particular specimen was provided by Michael Anthony Brathwaite taken at Abney Hall.

Great Spotted Woodpecker Male
The red marking on the back of the neck or head is the way to tell the male apart from the female. Again this wonderful capture was provided by Michael Anthony Brathwaite at Abney Hall.

Great Tit
(Parus major)
Seen many of these lovely colourful busy little birds around our parks and gardens in stockport. They are the biggest of the tit family and a joy to watch.

Juvenile Great Tit
Another trip to Reddish Vale got me this shot of a rather bossy looking young great tit.

(Garrulus glandarius)
The Jay is a very colourful member of the crow family and can be quite shy. this was taken by me at Reddish Vale,Vale Road.

(Erithacus rubecula)
Probably one of the most photographed birds in Stockport. The robin is quite territorial and I have seen many a squabble in the garden on the feeders. This was taken in my garden.

Juvenile Robin
Here we have a young robin captured by Alan Noel at Reddish Vale Country Park.

(Regulus regulus)
Stockport's smallest reported bird is the lovely little Goldcrest, very cute and an absolute joy to watch. They are very fast and sometimes hard to capture. However, thanks goes to our Abney Park regular, Michael Anthony Brathwaite for this wonderful capture.

Long-Tailed Tit
(Aegithalos caudatus)
Sometimes called the Long Tailed Bush Tit, this tiny member of the tit family is regularly seen in stockport green spaces and in gardens. This little cutie was captured by Michael Anthony Brathwaite at Etherow Country Park.

Juvenile Long-Tailed Tit
A big thanks to Sheila Moth for capturing this little Cutie in her Garden.

Common Redpoll
(Acanthis flammea)
Not seen may of these in Stockport and not many reports either. However this was captured in a garden by Caroline Roberts.

Common Starling
(Sturnus vulgaris)
The common starling is seen all over stockport and in many gardens now. This was taken by me in mine.

 Juvenile Common Starling
Again another garden capture by me is this Young Starling.

(Carduelis carduelis)
Another flocking bird and one of my favourites. This was taken by me in the garden.

Juvenile Goldfinch 
Harry Hill is to thank for this capture of a young Goldfinch in his Garden.

Coal Tit
(Periparus ater)
Another of my favourites, seen in gardens and woodlands in stockport. Again taken in my garden.

Yet another lovely capture from the garden of Harry hill is this young Coal Tit.

 Blue Tit
(Cyanistes caeruleus)
Many blue tits are seen in the gardens and woodlands of stockport and an absolute joy to watch. This one was captured by me at Reddish Vale Country Park.

Juvenile Blue Tit 
Thanks to Sheila Moth for having her camera at the ready and capturing this young blue tit in her garden.

Blackbird Male
(Turdus merula)
Love the song of these birds and many can be heard and seen in stockport's woodlands and gardens. This male was captured at Reddish Vale.

Blackbird Female
(Turdus merula)
This Female was also captured at Reddish Vale by me.

Leucistic Blackbird Male
(Turdus merula)
A Blackbird with a condition typically referred to as leucism. Thanks to Dave Millington for capturing this unusual looking bird at Etherow Country Park.

Ring Necked Parakeet
(Psittacula krameri)
More and more sightings of these Afro-Asian birds are being reported in Stockport. This one was captured by Steven Kelly at Abney Hall Park.

Siskin (male)
(Spinus spinus)
Reported sightings of Siskins in Stockport are to my knowledge quite rare. However Lisa mullins captured this lovely specimen in her  back garden.

Siskin (female)

Another rare shot of a Siskin, this time from the busy garden of Kenneth Moult.

Common Redstart
(Phoenicurus phoenicurus)
This little beauty was captured at Etherow Country Park by Ant Marriott, quite a rare sight in Stockport.

Common Chiffchaff
(Phylloscopus collybita)
The chiffchaff, is a common and widespread leaf warbler which breeds in open woodlands. Sheila Moth gets credit for capturing this in her garden.
Quite a rare visitor to Our Gardens is the Brambling. However, Ray Byrne was lucky enough to capture this little beauty in his.

Common Whitethroat
(Sylvia communis)
The common whitethroat is a widespread typical warbler which breeds throughout Europe and across much of temperate western Asia. Seen here is a juvenile captured by James Dempsey Riley at Poise Brook nature reserve.

European Pied Flycatcher
(Ficedula hypoleuca)
The European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) is a small passerine bird in the Old World flycatcher family. Another fine rare capture by Ant Marriott at Etherow Country Park.

Eurasian Blackcap Male
(Sylvia atricapilla)
The Eurasian blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) usually known simply as the blackcap, is a common and widespread typical warbler. A rare winter visitor captured by Angela Huddart‎ in her garden.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow
(Passer montanus)
The Eurasian tree sparrow is a passerine bird in the sparrow family with a rich chestnut crown and nape, and a black patch on each pure white cheek. Another fine photo by Michael Anthony Brathwaite. 

Eurasian Wren
(Troglodytes troglodytes)
The Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) is a very small bird, and the only member of the wren family Troglodytidae found in Eurasia. Thanks to Al Chippem for this capture at Abney Hall.

Juvenile Wren
This little beauty was captured by Lindsey Thomason.

Song Thrush
(Turdus philomelos)
The song thrush breeds in forests, gardens and parks, and is partially migratory. Thanks again to Michael Anthony Brathwaite for this photo taken at Abney Hall.

Lesser Redpoll
(Acanthis cabaret)
The lesser redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) is a small passerine bird in the finch family, Fringillidae. Seems Ant Marriott attracts all the rare birds, this was captured at Etherow Country Park

Mistle Thrush
(Turdus viscivorus)
The mistle thrush is a bird common to much of Europe. Woodbank Park was responsible for this lovely bird with Dianne Biggs behind the camera.

Common Reed Bunting
(Emberiza schoeniclus)
Another fine Capture by Ant Marriott at Etherow Country Park is this Male Reed Bunting in it's winter plumage.

(Chloris chloris)
The European greenfinch, or just greenfinch is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. Thanks to Jay SS  for the photo captured in his garden.

Bullfinch Male
(Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
The bullfinch, is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. Thanks to Michael Anthony Brathwaite for this fine Abney specimen.

Bullfinch Female
(Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
Another fine capture in one of Stockport's gardens is this Female Bullfinch and thanks goes to Angela Huddart for capturing it.

Willow Warbler
(Phylloscopus trochilus)
The willow warbler is a very common and widespread leaf warbler which breeds throughout northern and temperate Europe.  A lovely capture by Janet Gorst from an allotment in Stockport.

Collared Dove
(Streptopelia decaocto)
The Eurasian collared dove, most often simply called the collared dove, is a common sight now in Stockport. This one was captured by me at Reddish Vale.

Common Wood Pigeon
(Columba palumbus)
The common wood pigeon is a large species in the dove and pigeon family. this specimen was captured by me at Reddish Vale.